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The year is 473 of the Hijra (1095 to the Franks) and the place al-Andalus, at the westernmost end of the civilized world. There in the strange and wondrous city of Valencia the Faithful serve side-by-side with the infidel in war and peace, under the rule of that mighty captain Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar. Though he is but a Frank he treats the Faithful as he treats his fellow Christians: justly, with respect and honor. For this they call him al-sayyid, “The lord,” while to the Franks he is campeador, “champion.” To his court El Cid invites the Moslem and Christian nobles of the land for a grand tournament and feast. And drawn by his fame come also many nobles of lands far distant from al-Andalus, even beyond the Western Sea. It is said he wishes to forge a grand alliance against the Almoravid Berbers, who have invaded from the south across the strait of Gibel Tariq. But El Cid’s task will not be easy: he has been exiled more than once from King Alfonso’s court and still has enemies there. Also there is treachery and faction even among the Faithful (regard it not, O Heaven!): spies from Marrakesh, ingrates from Zaragoza. And of course the infantes de Carrión will make mischief wherever, whenever and however they may. To this marvelous, perilous garden of glory and intrigue which is Valencia, then—come, O traveler, come!

More information is available at http://acorn.atlantia.sca.org/event_flyer.php?event_id=46478df7 or http://www.duncarraig.net/uttermostwest


April 12, 2014
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Serena Giovanna de Verona (Bobbi Sprouse)

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