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May 2014

10:30 am — 3:00 pm
@ Snow Hill Branch – Worcester County Library


Our next gathering will be on Sunday, May 4 at the Snow Hill Library in Snow Hill, MD. A&S will begin at 10:30am to complete some of the items needed for Garb Wars (Road Signs, Maps, Site Flyer, Set the Schedule). “Armor Repair” begins at 12:00 noon. Business meeting begins at at 2:00pm.

June 2014

10:00 am — 3:00 pm
@ Snow Hill Branch – Worcester County Library


A&S and Business Meeting on Saturday, June 14th at the public library in Snow Hill, Maryland. Both will be located in the community room at the back of the library. A&S will begin at 10:00, business meeting at 2:00. A&S will most likely center on people’s current projects (more than likely, Pennsic-related).

July 2014

10:00 am — 4:00 pm
@ Snow Hill Branch – Worcester County Library

A&S and Business Meeting

A&S and Business Meeting will be on Sunday, July 13, from 10:00am to 4:00pm in the public room at the Snow Hill Library. A&S will begin at 10, meeting will be from 12-1, and A&S will continue at the completion of the meeting. A&S will mostly be garb related as people finish up projects for Pennsic.

August 2014

10:00 am — 4:00 pm
@ Snow Hill Branch – Worcester County Library

A&S and Business Meeting

A&S and Business Meeting will be on Sunday, August 24, from 10:00am to 4:00pm in the public room at the Snow Hill Library. A&S will begin at 10:00 and will continue after the business meeting. Feel free to bring your own projects. We will also be working on the Shire’s loaner garb. Business Meeting will begin at 12:00 (meetings usually run about an hour). The main topic will be our upcoming demo at Furnace Town’s Celtic Fest in October.

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