Events List Navigation
January 2019
A&S / Business Meeting
The shire’s next business meeting / A&S will be on Sunday 1/20 at the Snow Hill Library. We will be discussing our plans for the upcoming year and spiffing up our garb.
February 2019
A&S / Business Meeting
Business meeting and A&S Sunday 2/17 in the Snow Hill Library Public room. 10:30 start time. Business meeting at 12:00, A&S to continue after.
March 2019
6th Annual O’Nancock’s St Patrick’s Parade & Celtic Fest
The shire will be getting its green on at the 6th Annual O’Nancock’s St Patrick’s Parade & Celtic Fest on Sunday March 10. Celtic Festival 11-4:00 Parade 2:00 More information is available on https://www.facebook.com/events/1499890073448040/
April 2019
Night in Navarre
The Good King Henri of Navarre has had yet another attempt on his life! Thus he is visiting his homeland of Navarre to enjoy a day of fighting and an evening of feasting away from the divisive court in Paris. Baron Cormacc and Baroness Sarra invite all to join them and partake of the famous hospitality, tournaments and celebration of the arts that are the Barony of Lochmere. There will be tournaments and melees to delight the Rapier community, followed…
Revenge of the Stitch VI
Revenge of the Stitch VI — April 26-28 A long time ago, in a shire far, far away, there was a mighty battle fought… Blows were thrown, stiches were sewn, and songs were sung. Now, the battle returns! What historical garb can the teams create in 24 hours? Who will prevail with sword and shield? What melodies and tales will win the judges’ favor? What will be for dinner? Come find out at Revenge of the Stitch VI!! Martial Activities: Heavy…
May 2019
Spring Crown Tournament
Oyez!! Oyez!! The Kingdom of Atlantia is in need of Heirs!! Do you love the Kingdom? Are you strong of heart? Is your consort ready for any challenge? Is your armor and weapon ready to defend against those that would dare speak ill of our beloved Kingdom? The Barony of Lochmere and the Shire of Spiaggia Levantina invite you to join us in the beautiful Eastern Shore of Denton, Maryland to witness the pageantry, beauty and chivalry of Atlantia’s Spring…
January 2024
Business Meeting and Arts and Sciences
Join us for Arts and Sciences (work on a project and chat) from 10:30 until 12:00. The business meeting will begin at 12:00.
April 2024
Revenge of the Stitch 9
A long time ago, in a shire far, far away, there was a mighty battle fought……… Now, the battle returns! Competition, combat, music, feasting in a beautiful historic setting. What historical garb can the teams create in 24 hours? What melodies and tales will win the judges’ favor? Who wants to get their melee on and shake the winter off of their armor? Come find out at Revenge of the Stitch IX! Fighting Heavy Weapons/Melee— Yes! Please contact the Autocrat…
September 2024
Demo at Furnace Town Renaissance Faire
We will once again be setting up at the Furnace Town Renaissance Faire! There will be demonstrations of fighting, arts and sciences, and bread cooked over an open fire. Join us! The cost is $10 for ages 5-14, $15 for over 14, and free for children under five!
November 2024
Fall Crown Tournament 2024
Atlantia needs Heirs! To that end, a Crown Tournament will be held in the Shire of Spiaggia Levantina. General Activities Martial Activities: We are now accepting Letters of Intent for Our Crown Tournament. The deadline for Crown Letters of Intent will be October 30th. We hope our candidates will submit those letters sooner rather than later to accommodate our clerical volunteers, our shield tree painters, and to provide time to correct any errors or omissions. The Letter of Intent shall…